Business Growth

How Joining The Intentional Success Tribe Transformed My Business!

Building Your Business In Collaborative Communities!

Jerreme Wade


Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash

Have you ever wished you had a personal board of advisors to help guide your business decisions as an entrepreneur? I know I have. A few months ago, I was introduced to the Intentional Success Tribe. This community has completely changed the way I run my business. In this blog post, I’ll share how working with this group of entrepreneurs has helped me grow my business and achieve my goals. Stay tuned for my small wins on how I got clear on my intention with a tribe of entrepreneurs that have supported my vision.

As I share my experience with the Intentional Success Tribe, think about the gaps you can fill in your business. Are you prepared for success in 2022? Even on the 23rd day, I’ve seen more opportunities to grow this year then last year. January has been all about planting those seeds. The Intentional Success Tribe has given me an opportunity to plant seeds. How? Well, we have weekly meetings to discuss what’s working in business. This holds me accountable for the goals I set in business. The benefits of working together as a group is way better then working alone. We all need a support system that can uplift us, motivate us, and support us at any moment.

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

The Intentional Success Tribe is that support system. Do you have a great support system in your business? I’m not talking about business systems. Even though that’s important, I’ll discuss that later in this blog. Now, I’m referring to the self-care we often neglect as entrepreneurs. I’ve found great ways to treat my mind and body since joining this community. I’ll say this! Find a support system to go along with your business system. The inspiration for your business goals are priceless. This community has been instrumental in the growth of my company. As the founder of NewEraCopy, I’m always looking for communities that can inspire me when I write. I found that inspiration in the Intentional Success Tribe.

What is the Intentional Success Tribe? Well, it’s more than a support group for entrepreneurs with challenges and limitations. If you want to grow your business, the Intentional Success Tribe is for you. The benefits are so incredible. This tribe has given me business, financial, health, and personal advice. They’ve become a family that I depend on as an entrepreneur. It feels good to have like-minded professionals to depend on as we grow together. I found that people understood what I was going through because they’ve been there themselves too. As a result, their advice was transformational.

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

What has the Intentional Success Tribe taught me about entrepreneurship? What did it have to offer my business? I found the Intentional Success Tribe on Clubhouse. My interaction their led me led me to join the community. My experience with the tribe so far has been phenomenal. The different aspects of the tribe that have helped me grow have came through collaboration in our community. The tips from the tribe have helped me feel more supported and motivated in 2022. These were 5 questions I asked myself and others before joining the Intentional Success Tribe:

1. What are the best tips for building a community for like-minded professionals?
2. How can writers, readers, publishers, and content writers work together to create a strong community?
3. What are the benefits of building a community of like-minded professionals?
4. How can entrepreneurs build a thriving community around their business?
5. Are there any other tips you would suggest for building a successful community?

I have found that being part of the Intentional Success Tribe made me rethink my strategy as a entrepreneur. There were so many like-minded professionals that gave valuable resources to grow in business. Most of the times, we have to look in 10 places for 1 answer. This community has brought those 10 answers to 1 place so I can continue to grow as an entrepreneur.

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

The Intentional Success Tribe has helped me feel more inspired to keep impacting others with my words. It’s so hard to find others that get the journey of entrepreneurship. When I found a tribe of people who understood the idea, I was very intentional about my business moving forward. The tribe has offered a variety of different aspects. From mastermind groups to 1-on-1 coaching sessions with other entrepreneurs. My vision, mission, and intent is clear now because of communities like the Intentional Success Tribe.

Are you going through similar experiences as an entrepreneur? If this sounds like something you would be interested in joining, make sure to sign up for our next open enrollment period in 2022!



Jerreme Wade

This blog is a professional writing portfolio. The blogs are composed of inspirational stories, professional blogs, and educational articles.